We have a marketable, commercial opportunity which is scalable and fully capable of treating a wide source of contaminated water.
We have a marketable, commercial opportunity which is scalable and fully capable of treating a wide source of contaminated water.
The demand on fresh water is dramatically increasing, with a growing population and use by agriculture and industries. This limited resource needs to be looked after to allow our economic growth.
We need to address the damaged caused by waste water and industrial discharge and re-use and recycle waste water as much as possible, lowering the impact it has on us and the land. With Triton Cleantech’s solution this can be achieved and maintained.
Triton Cleantech’s flagship electro-solution has been called Neptune and uses a process called electrocoagulation (EC) in its advanced treatment of water. In the past EC had been dismissed as a viable solution to treat waste water due to its high usage of electricity, the lack of longevity of its expensive electrodes and the down time in replacing them.
Triton's patented technology eradicates all of the above problems. We are able to run our self-replenishing reactors on a very low voltage making it viable to use solar panels even on the biggest of systems.
This dramatically cuts down the running costs and puts an end to down time, saving the planet and saving you money. With a byproduct of Hydrogen we can create a circular economy in a variety of situations. We believe this will make Neptune the holy grail in water treatment.